Publié il y a 8 ans
You are God, and we lift You up
Weʼll keep singing, weʼll keep praising
We wonʼt stop, giving all we got
Cause You're worthy, of all glory

Oh, there is no other
You are forever, Lord over all
Thereʼs nobody like You, no one beside You

To You
Let endless praise resound
Every night and day, and with no delay
Let endless praise resound

Boundless love
Light before the sun
Your glory eternal
Never stops
Giving all You got
Creation keeps singing

Oh, there is no other
You are forever, Lord over all
Thereʼs nobody like You, no one beside You

To You
Let endless praise resound
Every night and day, and with no delay
Let endless praise resound

We lift You up up up
Weʼre giving You our love love love
For everything Youʼve done done done
We give You all the praise

To You
Let endless praise resound
Every night and day, and with no delay
Let endless praise resound

Avec Planetshakers

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12 221
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Infos Informations
Ô Dieu remplis-moi - Gordon Zamor Instrumental - Atmosphère de prière
Ne crains pas - Gordon Zamor Instrumental - Atmosphère de prière
La vision - James Franchitto Tout est possible avec Jésus