Publié il y a 9 ans
Early morning break of dawn
Stumbling to the tomb
Standing awestruck wondering who
Rolled away the stone
And as the sun came up
Amazed they looked inside
A voice, an angel clothed in light
Don't be afraid, He is alive!

He is risen
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Christ is risen
Let the whole world sing
Christ is risen
Christ is risen from the dead

Sing, with all creation sing
Of a world made new
In His life we too may live
Bursting from the tomb
And looking up we see
Our King enthroned on high
His wounds of love now glorified
Rejoice, for soon He'll burst the skies

Avec Paul Baloche

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Infos Informations
Ô Dieu remplis-moi - Gordon Zamor Instrumental - Atmosphère de prière
Ne crains pas - Gordon Zamor Instrumental - Atmosphère de prière
La vision - James Franchitto Tout est possible avec Jésus