Publié il y a 9 ans
My world was shaken
My heart was broken
My hope was fading
The walls were closing in
But now I'm singing
Look how He lifted me

[Verse 2:]
My life was sinking
My days were numbered
The waves were crashing
The flood was coming in
Oh Hallelujah
Look how He lifted me

Look how He lifted me
His grace and mercy is my testimony
For every victory
I've got a song to sing
Look how He lifted me!


[Verse 3:]
He turned my mourning
Back into dancing
He turned my weeping
Into a shout again
And now I'm singing
Look how He lifted me

[Verse 4:]
He rolled my sorrows
Away at calvary
He rose in triumph
Over the enemy
Oh Hallelujah
Look how he lifted me

Oh, look how He lifted me
His grace and mercy
Is my testimony
For every victory
I've got a song to sing
Look how He lifted me!


When nothing else could help
Your love came down
Your love came down
When nothing else could help
Your love came down
And lifted me

Oh, look how He lifted me
His grace and mercy
Is my testimony
For every victory
I've got a song to sing
Look how He lifted me!


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Infos Informations
Ô Dieu remplis-moi - Gordon Zamor Instrumental - Atmosphère de prière
Ne crains pas - Gordon Zamor Instrumental - Atmosphère de prière
La vision - James Franchitto Tout est possible avec Jésus