I Breathe You In, God - Bryan and Katie Torwalt

Publié il y a 11 ans
©Bryan and Katie Torwalt 2011

The presence of the living God,
Satisfies the depths of my heart
All of me changed when you came,
Iʼm made free by Your glory and grace

I breathe You in God, cause You are thick all around me
I breathe You in God, cause You are thick all around me

You are Good God,
For You are good to me You are Good God,
For You are good to me

The brightness of Your loves pure light,
Pierces through the darkest of nights
Everything is possible now,
For God is here and God is good


When I donʼt understand Iʼll choose You
When I donʼt understand I will choose You God
When I donʼt understand I will choose to Love You God 

Avec Bryan and Katie Torwalt

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Infos Informations
Ô Dieu remplis-moi - Gordon Zamor Instrumental - Atmosphère de prière
Ne crains pas - Gordon Zamor Instrumental - Atmosphère de prière
La vision - James Franchitto Tout est possible avec Jésus