Publié il y a 9 ans
We're here to sing your praise
We're here to shout your name
Our hearts cannot contain the love you've shown us

Come join with heaven now
Come let his praise ring out
Come make a joyful sound
Our god is for us
Mighty one who saved

Jesus savior of the broken
Giver of salvation you are king forever
Jesus risen son of heaven
Ruler of the nations
You are king forever

In you the bound are free
In you the blind can see
In you our hearts believe
You are victorious
Mighty one who saved

Jesus savior of the broken
Giver of salvation you are king forever
Jesus risen son of heaven
Ruler of the nations
You are king forever

Every knee will bow
Every tongue cry out
You are God, you are God

Every knee will bow
Every tongue cry out
You are God, you are God

Every knee will bow
Every tongue cry out
You are God, you are God

Jesus savior of the broken
Giver of salvation you are king forever
Jesus risen son of heaven
Ruler of the nations
You are king forever

Jesus savior of the broken
Giver of salvation you are king forever
Jesus risen son of heaven
Ruler of the nations
You are king forever

Avec Brett Younker

Faites partie des 1 500 visionnaires

Les 20 000 partenaires mensuels

Vidéo officielle de la campagne Les vies sont transformées comme celle de Julie maBible Junior : L'histoire de Jésus et du paralytique. Podcast vidéo : les choses bougent à EMCI !
Qui portent la vision d'EMCI et qui l'amèneront plus loin !
jours restants
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