Publié il y a 10 ans
Aaron Neville chante sa hâte de revoir tous ses proches qui l'attendent à la maison auprès de Dieu...

Going Home :

Going home, going home
I'm just going home
Quiet light, some still day
I'm just going home

It's not far, just close by
Through an open door
Work all done, care laid by
Going to fear no more

Mother's there expecting me
Father's waiting, too
Lots of folk gathered there
All the friends I knew
All the friends I knew

I'm going home
Nothing's lost, all's gain
No more fret nor pain
No more stumbling on the way
No more longing for the day

Going to roam no more
Morning star lights the way
Restless dream all done
Shadows gone, break of day
Real life begun

There's no break, there's no end
Just a living on
Wide awake with a smile
Going on and on
Going home, going home

I'm just going home
It's not far, just close by
Through an open door
I am going home
I'm just going home
Going home, going home
Going home, going home

Avec Aaron Neville

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Vidéo officielle de la campagne Les vies sont transformées comme celle de Julie Podcast vidéo : les choses bougent à EMCI ! maBible Junior : L'histoire de Jésus et du paralytique.
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11 318
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Infos Informations
Dans tes bras d'amour - Gordon Zamor Instrumental - Atmosphère de prière
Plus de toi Seigneur - Gordon Zamor Instrumental - Atmosphère de prière
L'âne NV Junior